As per the Hindu mythology and epics, during the time of ‘Palazhimathanam’ Mahavishnu took the lady carnation of Mohini and Lord Siva had a son with Mohini named Sree Dharmasastha who was brought up in kailasa as a great warrior. To kill ‘Mahishi’ he incarnated in Panthalam as Ayyappan. After fulfilling the aim of his birth to kill ‘Mahishi’, he later went to Sri Sabarimala Temple and took the form of Lord Ayyappa, the God of Kaliyuga as believed by the mass.Worshipping Dharmasaatha or Lord ayyappa and offering prayers attract immediate and full blessings of the Lord, who fulfils all their wishes without fail and delay. All sorts of blessings will be bestowed on all by this auspicious presence Sree Dharmasastha. Lord Ayyappa is the presiding deity of Sani Graha. Worshiping load Ayyappa is believed to be the best practice for removing sanidosha and attain peace and prosperity.