Important Days
Uthsavam (Main festival)
The main festival is in the month 'Makaram'. Its an eight-day festival which ends with 'Arattu' on Uthram. Uthsavabali is on 6th day of the festival
Dwaja Prathishta Dinam
Dwaja Prathishta Dinam is the anniversary of the erection of the Holy Flag Post (Kodimaram) in the temple. It is celebrated every year on second day of Edvam as per Malayalam calendar. Maha Saneeswara Pooja and Kalasam are performed on the same day.
Uhtram Vayana
Uthram is the Birth star of Lord Sree Sree Dharmasastha. Uthram star in the month of Meenam, as per Malayalam era is celebrated as Painguni Uthram, the birthday of Sree Dharmasastha. Uhtram star of every month have Ayappa bhagavatha recitation. In the noon of same day, Annadanam is performed by devotees. Devotees can offer the recitation and annadana by prior booking.
Meenabharani day the Kumbhakudam procession started from here to Varanadu devi temple. Percussion in the procession include chenda, nagaswaram and panchavadyam. Devotees can participate the Kumbhakudam procession by prior booking
Ramayana Masam
Karkkidakam is referred as the Ramayana Masam. As the name specify, this holy month is destined for recitation of Adhyathma Ramayanam in the evening and Bhagavatha recitation on morning. On every day there will be Ganapathy homam in the morning and Bhagavathy seva in the evening.
Mandala Pooja
Mandala Pooja celebrations continues for a period of 41 days beginning from first day of the Malayalam month of Vrishchikam (November-December) and culminating on eleventh day of Dhanu (December-January). Daily bhajan and purana recitation are the speciality of this period. Last day Midnight, Azhipooja with Ayappan Pattu also peformed. Ayyappan Paattu is a musical art form in which a team of people sing, songs praising Lord Ayyappa by playing a unique percussion instrument called 'Udukku'. The main attraction among the songs is the song that describes the Birth of Lord Ayyappa.
Neyyabhishekam is the main offering for the auspicious Makara Sankranti day. Neyyabhishekham will be performed from 6 am to 7 am.
Sivarathri day is celebrated with special pooja and special offerings to the main updevatha Lord Siva